Garmin GPS 152 GPS Receiver User Manual

Map Page Options
DIST TO NEXT Distance to next waypoint
ELEVATION Elevation (altitude) above/below MSL (Mean Sea Level)
ETA AT DEST Estimated Time of Arrival to nal waypoint
ETA AT NEXT Estimated Time of Arrival to next waypoint
GPS ACCURACY Estimated accuracy of the GPS position
MAX SPEED Fastest speed the unit has traveled
MOV AVG SPEED Average moving speed
MOV TRIP TIMER Time unit has been moving for a trip
OFF COURSE Distance and direction from desired track
POINTER Arrow points to your destination
POSITION Current position (only available when using Big Numbers option)
SPEED Speed over ground/water
TIME OF DAY Current time
TIME TO DEST Time to nal waypoint (destination) at current speed and course
TIME TO NEXT Time to next waypoint at current speed and course
TO COURSE Direction to desired track
TRACK Current compass heading
TRIP ODOM Trip Odometer
TTL AVG SPEED Total average speed
TTL TRIP TIMER Total travel time of trip, stopped and moving
TURN Turn angle to waypoint
VMG Velocity Made Good to destination
WATER SPEED Speed through the water (if receiving proper sonar NMEA data from other device)
WATER TEMP Water temperature (if receiving proper sonar NMEA data from other device)
To change a data eld:
1. Highlight the Change Data Fields option and press ENTER/MARK.
2. Move the eld highlight to the data eld you want to change and press ENTER/MARK.
3. Move the ARROW KEYPAD UP or DOWN to highlight the data you want to display, and press
ENTER/MARK. To change another data eld, repeat steps 2 and 3. To exit, press QUIT.
Change Data Fields Option
Scroll bar shows your position on the
alphabetical list.
152 Manual Part 1.indd 23 11/27/2002, 2:55:54 PM