Garmin GPS 152 GPS Receiver User Manual

Waypoint Lists
To scroll through and review the Nearest waypoint list:
1. With the ARROW KEYPAD, highlight the Wpt tab from the Main Menu page and then highlight
2. Use the ARROW KEYPAD to scroll through the list in the desired direction.
3. Press ENTER/MARK to review the highlighted waypoint on the Waypoint Edit page. See page
33-34 for detailed information on reviewing and editing waypoints.
4. With Next highlighted, press ENTER/MARK to return to the list. The eld highlight will auto-
matically move to the next waypoint in the list. You can review details of each waypoint in any
waypoint list by pressing ENTER/MARK repeatedly.
Proximity Waypoint List
The Proximity submenu of the Waypoint tab lets you de ne an alarm circle around a stored
waypoint position, and can be used to help you avoid reefs, rocks or restricted waters. Up to ten
waypoints may be listed, with a maximum alarm radius of 99.99 nautical miles, statute miles or
kilometers. If a proximity alarm circle overlaps with an existing alarm circle, a Proximity Overlaps
Another Proximity Waypoint message will appear each time the unit is turned on. If you enter an
alarm circle overlap, you will only be alerted to the closest proximity waypoint.
To display the menu options for the Proximity waypoint submenu:
1. Using the ARROW KEYPAD, highlight the Proximity tab and press the MENU key.
The following options are available from the By Name submenu of the Wpt tab:
Add Waypoint adds a waypoint to the proximity list from the waypoint list.
Clear Alarm removes selected waypoint from proximity list.
Clear All removes all waypoints from proximity list.
Proximity Waypoint List
Proximity Tab Options Menu
152 Manual Part 2.indd 37 11/27/2002, 2:56:28 PM