Trimble Outdoors 5700/5800 GPS Receiver User Manual

5700/5800 GPS Receiver User Guide 165
NMEA-0183 Output A
5700/5800 GPS Receiver Operation
Time, Position, Position Type, DOP
An example of the PTNL,GGK message string is shown below. Table A.8
describes the message fields.
Table A.8 PTNL,GGK message fields
Field Meaning
1 UTC of position fix
3 Latitude
4 Direction of latitude:
N: North
S: South
5 Longitude
6 Direction of Longitude:
E: East
W: West
7 GPS Quality indicator:
0: Fix not available or invalid
1: Autonomous GPS fix
2: Differential, floating carrier phase integer-based solution,
3: Differential, fixed carrier phase integer-based solution,
4: Differential, code phase only solution (DGPS)
8 Number of satellites in fix
9DOP of fix