Chapter 5: Setting Up the System Defaults 5-1
Chapter 5: Setting Up the System Defaults
5.1 Introduction
Once you have installed your display unit and are familiar with its basic
operation (described in Chapter 1 and Chapter 2),youneedtosetitupsothat
itobtains thecorrectinformationfrom theequipmentyou haveconnectedit to,
operates according to your requirements, and displays information according
to your preferences.
This is achieved using the soft key controls that are displayed when you press
the MENU key.
In most cases, you will only need to use the MENU key options when you first
set up your system. However, you may decide to change the way you have
customized some aspects, such as the screen and help setting, as you become
more familiar with your system.
Onceyou havesetthe values,they remainas thedefault settingsuntil youreset
them; they are retained even if you power off your display.
This chapter covers the following topics:
• Changing the default set up parameters
• System parameter functions and default settings
• Chart specific parameter functions and default settings
You should check the functions of the parameters, and decide on the new
settings, before making the changes.