Pioneer AVIC-X9115BT GPS Receiver User Manual

The icon9 is displayed, andop-
eration isnot possible.
The operation isnot compatible
with the videoconfiguration.
This operation isnot possible. (For example,
the DVD playingdoes not featurethat angle,
audio system, subtitlelanguage, etc.)
The picture stops(pauses) and
the navigation systemcannot be
The reading ofdata is impossible
during discplayback.
After touching gonce, start playbackonce
The picture isstretched, with in-
correct aspect ratio.
The aspect settingis incorrect for
the display.
Select theappropriate settingfor that image.
(Page 165,Page 104)
A parentallock message is dis-
played andDVD playback is not
Parental lockis on. Turn parentallock off orchange the level.
(Page 104)
Parental lockfor DVD playback
cannot be canceled.
The codenumber isincorrect. Input thecorrect codenumber.(Page 104)
Playback is notwith the audio
language and subtitle language
settings selected in[DVD
The DVDplaying does not feature
dialog or subtitlesin the language
selected in[DVD Setup].
Switching toa selected language isnot possi-
ble if thelanguage selected in[DVD Setup]
is notrecorded onthe disc.
The picture isextremely unclear/
distorted and darkduring play-
The discfeatures a signal toprohibit
copying. (Some discsmay have
Since the navigationsystem is compatible
with the copyguard analogue copyprotect
system, the picturemay suffer from horizon-
tal stripesor other imperfections when adisc
with that kindof protection signalis viewed
on somedisplays. This does notmean the na-
vigation system ismalfunctioning.
Cannot be operated. The iPod isfrozen. ! Reconnectthe iPod withthe USB interface
cable for iPod.
! Update theiPod software version.
An errorhas occurred. !Reconnect the iPodwith the USBinterface
cable for iPod.
! Parkyour vehicle in asafe place, and turn
off the engine.Turn theignition key backto
Accoff. Thenstart the engine again,and
turn the powerto the navigationsystem back
on. Ifthis does not solvethe problem, press
the RESETbutton on the navigation system.
! Update theiPod software version.
Songs oniPod connectedwith
this systemcannot beavailable
as voice commandsor different
song ortitle from the onethat
you saidis recognized.
iPod content/data hasbeen up-
dated, butthe data onthis systems
memor y has not beenupdated yet.
(i.e., system hasnot cataloged new
iPod content), orcataloging was not
If you updatethe iPod data,activate [VR Cat-
alog Mode]to catalog/transfer the musicin-
formation to thissystem and synchronizethe
music information for voicecommands with
the dataon iPod.(Page 166)
Problems with the phone screen
Symptom Cause Action (Reference)
Dialing isnot possible because
the touch panelkeys for dialing
are inactive.
Your phoneis out ofrange for ser-
Retry after re-entering therange for service.
The connection between thecellular
phone and thenavigation system
cannot be established now.
Perform the connection process.