
Game Setup window opens, select ISLAND DATA BASE.
Highlight by clicking on selection the click “OK
4. CPU loads the game data and opens the “MAXFLIGHT BASE LIFT
5. Select NEW PLAYER”, select truck type and time. Time default is 6
minutes but can be changed.
6. Select OK”
7. Raise the platform to the run position. Click RAISE lower right window.
2-8B Raising the Unit
Ensure that power is applied and normal program is loaded. Go to the LIFT CONTROL, click on the
“RAISE” icon. The unit will come up about two( 3) inches and stop to balance. Upon completion of
balancing, the unit will continue raising up to the upper limit switches. If the unit does not balance within
one (1) minute, lower the unit and retry.
NOTE: The weight limit is 500 pounds.
2-8C Game Start
Game will start when normally raised to the top after a game is selected. When the platform reaches the
upper limit switches the CPU will enable the program and full motion is enabled. Game will continue until
pre set timer runs down, stopped by rider, or stopped by operator.
2-9 Game Over
When the time runs out, stopped by rider pressing the cockpit e-stop or operator clicks
STOP icon. The “LOWER PLATFORM” icon will highlight. During this time the unit
will return to “HOME POSITION”. Click on the “LOWER” icon and after the unit
has lowered onto the stairway, and movement has stopped, discharge the patrons.
2-10 System Shutdown
At the end of the operating day, follow these procedures to ensure that the simulator is
safely secured for the day.
1. Turn projector bulb OFF by using the remote. Double click the green button
while pointing at the mirror. Projector goes to standby and will cool itself.
2. Lower the passenger restraint harness to the down position.
3. Lock the seat belts together.
4. Press the E-Stop on side of console IN. Removes all motor power and locks
the brakes.
5. Click on the CLOSE icon lower left, program window will close, on-board
program will close down the Truck program.
6. VNC to the on-board computer and
a. Select START lower left
b. Select SHUTDOWN
c. Select OK
7. After on-board computer has shut down shut down command console
a. Select START lower left
b. Select SHUTDOWN
c. Select OK