No altitude input - The GNC 300 has failed to receive altitude data
from the parallel input. Check the I/O settings
and/or the installation. If enough satellites are
available for a 3D position fix, no pilot action is
required, providing no RAIM warnings are pre-
sent. If only a 2D fix is possible, the pilot should
maintain the GPS altitude within 1,000 feet of
the pressure altitude from the position page.
No course input - The GPS SEQ switch is set to the HOLD position
and has no selected course input from the
CDI/HSI. Check the state of configuration
switches if installed, or check the CDI/HSI unit.
No RAIM FAF to MAP - RAIM may not be available from the final
approach fix to the missed approach point.
Continue to fly the approach, but be prepared
to cross-check GPS navigation with other navi-
gation sources if RAIM is not available.
Offset nav cancelled - Offset nav has been cancelled due to a direct-to
operation or modification of the active route.
Offset nav in effect - Offset navigation mode is in effect.
Ofst too big for rte - The parallel track distance is too large for the
active route.
Osc needs adjustment - The GNC 300 has detected excessive drift in its inter-
nal crystal oscillator which may result in longer acqui-
sition time. The unit should be taken to an authorized
GARMIN service center immediately.
Poor GPS coverage - The GNC 300 cannot acquire sufficient satellites
necessary to provide navigation.
Prox alarm-press NAV - Your craft has penetrated the alarm circle of a prox-
imity waypoint. Pres NAV to see the bearing and dis-
tance to the proximity waypoint.
Proximity overlap - The circles defined by two proximity waypoints
overlap. When entering the area of the overlap,
the GNC 300 will warn you of the closest prox-
imity waypoint, but not both. You should be
certain this condition is desirable.
Proximity wpt locked - At least one proximity waypoint is locked
because the waypoint has been removed from
the Jeppesen NavData®, the data card is miss-
ing, or the data card has failed.
Proximity wpt moved - One or more prox. waypoints were moved at
least 0.33 arc minutes due to a database change.
Proximity wpt deleted - One or more proximity waypoints were deleted
while receiving data from the PC Interface Kit.
Pwr down and re-init - The GNC 300 is unusable until power has been
cycled and the unit re-initialized. Abnormal satel-
lite conditions may exist.
Getting Started
Status & Position
300 7/14/98 8:51 AM Page 112