Cannot chng wpt sqnc - An attempt has been made to modify an
approach, SID or STAR. The waypoint sequence
of approaches, SIDs and STARs may not be modi-
Cannot nav lockd rte - An attempt has been made to activate a route
containing a locked waypoint. The GNC 300
cannot perform navigation in this situation.
Cannot ofst goto rte - An attempt has been made to engage the offset
navigation feature while the GNC 300 is navigat-
ing using a single waypoint route. The GNC 300
will not allow offset navigation in this situation.
Checklist is full - The selected checklist is full. No new items can
be added until existing items are deleted.
Collecting data - The GNC 300 is collecting orbital data while
searching the sky. The antenna should have a
good view of the sky and the GNC 300 should
be allowed to finish data collection before turn-
ing the unit off.
COM failed - The comm in the GNC 300 has failed. Take the
unit to an authorized GARMIN service center.
Comment memory full - The waypoint comment memory is full. You
must delete existing waypoint comments before
adding new ones.
Configuration reset - The GNC 300 has detected a failure in its instal-
lation configuration memory. Data from the user
memory has been used to reset the configuration.
Check the installation settings for corrections. If
the message persists, the unit is not usable and
should be taken to an authorized service center.
Course input fail - The course input from RS-422 or ARINC 429 is
not available to the GNC 300. Check the I/O set-
tings and/or have the installation checked by a
certified technician.
Data card failed - The GNC 300 has detected a problem with the
data card. The data is not usable and the card
should be returned to Jeppesen or an authorized
GARMIN service center.
Data card write fail - The user data card failed to program. The card
should be returned to an authorized GARMIN
service center.
Degraded accuracy - The GNC 300 has detected poor satellite geome-
try while in approach mode while RAIM is not
available. Additional cross-checking with a sec-
ondary navigation source should be performed to
verify the integrity of the GPS position.
Do not use for nav - The GNC 300 is in the simulator mode and must
not be used for actual navigation.
EEPROM write fail - The GNC 300 has detected a failure while pro-
gramming its installation configuration memory.
The unit is not usable and should be taken to an
authorized service center.
Getting Started
Status & Position
300 7/14/98 8:51 AM Page 110