Page 47
How Do I Use It?
(Advanced mode) from the Cursor menu. The route is then
automatically calculated, and you can start navigating.
If you know that you will use a destination later, when the
Cursor menu appears, save it as a POI, or put it on the list
automatically with the same point. Now you can use it as a
route point.
Entering an address or part of an address
If you know at least a part of the address, it is the quickest way to select
the destination of the route.
• theexactaddress,includinghousenumber
• thecentreofasettlement
• anintersection
• themidpointofastreet
• anyoftheabove,startingthesearchwiththepostalcode
(page 55)
Entering an address (Australia)
In some countries, the state is also used in addresses. If you are in one of
appear on the screen:
The procedure is explained starting from the Navigation menu.