Installation and Maintenance 3
The T-Series Climate Changer can ship as individual
sections, section subassemblies, or a complete air
handler. Sizes 3 - 100 have an integral base rail.
Upon receipt of the unit(s) and prior to unloading,
inspect the unit for damage and verify that the
shipment is complete. Delivery cannot be refused
1 Visually inspect components for any damage that
may have occurred during shipment.
2 Check all access doors to confirm that the latches
and hinges are not damaged.
3 Check all coil connections to confirm they are
straight and undamaged.
4 Inspect the coils for damage to the fin surface or
coil connections.
5 Check all devices attached to the unit exterior and
confirm that they are not damaged.
6 Manually rotate the fan wheel to ensure free
movement of the shaft, bearings, and drive.
Inspect the fan housing for any foreign objects.
7 Inspect the interior of each section for any internal
damage as soon as possible after delivery.
Concealed damage must be reported within 15
days of receipt.
8 If the unit was ordered with Factory Mounted
Controls, locate all sensors. These components
will be shipped inside the control enclosure.
9 If the unit shipped in subassemblies, locate
assembly hardware. The necessary assembly
hardware will be packaged inside the fan section
or the mixing section.
Resolving Shipping Damage
The T-Series Climate Changer ships FOB. If damage
has occurred to the unit sections during shipment,
the following instructions should be completed:
1 Make specific notation describing the damage on
the freight bill.
2 Report all claims of shipping damage to the
delivering carrier immediately.
3 Keep damaged material in the same location as it
was received. It is the receiver’s responsibility to
provide reasonable evidence that the concealed
damage was not incurred after delivery.
4 Notify the Trane sales representative of the
damage and arrange for repair. Do not attempt to
repair the unit without consulting the sales
Storage Considerations
The Trane T-Series Climate Changer air handler is
an outdoor unit and requires no special protection for
storage before installation. Keep the equipment in
the original shipping container for protection and
ease of handling. The warranty will not cover
damages to the unit due to negligence during
For longer periods of storage, allow enough
clearance around the unit to perform periodic
inspection and maintenance of the equipment. In
addition, loosen belt tension on drive belts.
Long Term Storage
Every two weeks, rotate the fan and motor shaft thirty
revolutions by hand. Check for free rotation.
Every six months, check fan shaft bearings and
grease lines. Add grease using a manual grease gun
following the lubrication recommendations in the
Periodic Maintenance section.
Check the motor lubrication; remove and clean
grease plugs and check for the presence of moisture
in the grease. If moisture is present, remove the
motor and send it to an authorized repair shop for
bearing inspection/replacement. If no moisture is
present, refer to the motor manufacturer’s lubrication
recommendation for proper lubrication.