Symbol Technologies VRC 6940 Automobile Accessories User Manual

Software Environment
FGET.BAT Batch file for doing TFTP file transfers from a server
to the flash disk. If the transfer fails it is retried. The
server IP address is picked up from the environment
variable SIADDR, which is set up by BOOTP.COM if
either a BOOTP or DHCP process is performed.
UPDATE.BAT Batch file used for an over-the-air software update
facility. It downloads a ZIP file and unzips it into the
application directory. The ZIP file is the same file that
was placed in the application HEX.
CHK_ID.EXE Checks to see if the ident.txt files on the paths
specified in the command-line are identical. Used in
apphex.bat to check for the need to copy the
application files to the flash disk.
GETNUM.EXE Returns an errorlevel depending on a single key hit.
Returns errorlevel n if the numeric key n is pressed.
All other keys return errorlevel 99. Used to make
menu selections in batch files.
IDENT.TXT Used to identify a particular HEX build.
SLAODI3K.COM Wireless LAN adapter driver.
Applications stored in this directory.
Table B-2. VRC 6940: Software Files
Directory File Name Description