Symbol Technologies VRC 6940 Automobile Accessories User Manual

Software Environment
APPINIT.COM Scans the flash disk for valid applications. If it finds
more than one, it displays an application selection
menu. A valid RF application has a home directory in
the flash disks root directory containing a file called
RUN.BAT. This is how the system knows which
applications are present, and which are batch
CBT.COM Utility to re-initialize (cold boot) the terminal.
WBT.COM Utility to re-initialize (warm boot) the application.
WAIT.EXE A command used in batch files to pause the display
for a specified number of seconds. The pause can be
interrupted with the CTRL-FUNC-1 key sequence. If
interrupted, the command returns an errorlevel 1.
GETSTR.EXE Prompts for keyboard input, which is placed as a
character string in the environment variable _STR.
Used to customize utility files for building an
application HEX during developer kit installation.
LSL.COM Novells Netware Link Support Layer software. Used
to access the physical network, in this case a PCMCIA
radio card.
DIAG24.EXE A diagnostic ping utility for diagnosing possible radio
problems. See page A-5 for more information.
CFG24.EXE A utility for configuring Spectrum24 radio
parameters. See page A-12 for more information.
BOOTP A utility that requests and receives an IP address and
sets up communications parameters for use by other
parts of the system. It runs automatically during start-
up. Do not run it from a DOS prompt.
TCPIP.EXE Novells Lan Workplace stack version 5.0.
PIPCT.EXE Used to save and restore part of the BIOS work area
overwritten when TCPIP.EXE is loaded.
SS.BAT Batch file to run DIAG24 for site survey purposes.
Table B-2. VRC 6940: Software Files
Directory File Name Description