On the road 4-5
Anti-lock braking
system (ABS)
If a fault has been detected in the
anti-lock brake system (ABS) this light will
illuminate. The brake system will
continue to function normally, but
without ABS braking.
Should the light come on or stay on after
the bulb check cycle, stop the vehicle at
the first opportunity, turn the engine OFF
and then restart.
If the ABS light comes on again, the
vehicle should be driven to a Jaguar
Dealer at the earliest opportunity.
Traction control/DSC
The light will flash at the rate of twice a
second when traction control/DSC is
The light is ON continuously when a fault
is detected in the system or the system is
turned OFF.
If a message centre is fitted the light will
not illuminate but instead a message will
be displayed.
Engine malfunction
This lamp illuminates when there is an
engine malfunction.
Specialised diagnostic equipment is
required to repair such faults. Report the
fault to a Jaguar Dealer.
The vehicle may go to ‘limp home’ mode,
with the possibility of reduced engine
performance. Drive the vehicle with
Powertrain malfunction
Illuminates when there is an engine
malfunction or transmission system
If a message centre is fitted the light will
not illuminate but instead a message will
be displayed.
Cruise (Speed) control
Illuminates when cruise control is
switched ON.
If a message centre is fitted the light will
not illuminate but instead a message will
be displayed.