To Activate a Route...
· Highlight the route you wish to
activate with the arrow keys.
· Press ENT. The Route Definition
Page is displayed with the
“>Activate?” action highlighted.
· Press ENT to Activate the route.
To Delete a Route...
· Highlight the route you wish to delete with the arrow keys. Press
CLR. The Route Definition Page is displayed with the “>Clear?”
action highlighted.
· Press ENT to delete the route.
Building Routes with AutoStore...
The GPS 75's AutoStore
feature is the quickest and easiest way to build
a route as you go. With autostore, each time you turn on a new track, pass
a significant landmark, or reach some location of interest, you can save
the location and create a route at the same time. Each autostore
waypoint can be added to the same route as you are traveling.
· With the unit operating in 2D or
3D Navigation mode, press the
AUTOSTO key to save your
starting location.
· At this point, you may change the
AutoStore name, if you wish (see
Section 3.6).
· Select an empty route to store the waypoint by highlighting the
“Append to Route >_?” field and pressing CLR until the desired
route number is displayed.
· Press ENT to add the waypoint to the selected route.
· Repeat these steps each time you arrive at a location you wish to
add to the route, up to a total of 20 waypoints per route.