Select the simulator mode...
· Press PWR/STAT to select a Status
· If the Auxiliary Page is not
displayed, press the softkey
underneath the AUX banner to
select it.
· Use the right arrow key to
highlight “Op Mode”, press ENT.
· If the operating mode field does
not already display “Simulator”,
move the cursor with the arrow
keys to that field, and press CLR
until it does, followed by ENT.
The unit is now ready to start the
Check the present position...
· Press NAV to display a navigation
· If the Present Position Page is not
displayed, press the POSN softkey
to select it. Note the present
position. We will change the
position to N39° W95°. (If the unit
is set to display UTM coordinates,
refer to Section 6.3 to change the
coordinates to latitude and
*Plus POSN Softkey if needed