System manual MeDis 5MP1HM 48
Note: Clicking Cancel will also return you to the BarcoMed
Product Install Wizard, but will not delete the Barco Display Driver.
The wizard will also begin to install the next selected piece of
BarcoMed Software.
If the Wizard failed to successfully install the selected driver, it will
warn you (figure 22). Click Finish to return to the BarcoMed
Product Install Wizard.
The wizard will now begin installing the next selected piece of
BarcoMed Software. If you do not want to install the other
BarcoMed Software until after you have installed the display driver,
click Cancel. Then click Yes, then click Finish and then
click Back and try reinstalling the driver following the steps
above or using the steps outlined in Reinstalling or Updating your
BarcoMed Drivers section found later in this chapter.
Figure 22
BARCO DPMS Screen Saver Installation
18. Click Next on the Welcome Screen of the BARCO DPMS
InstallShield Wizard to begin the installation. Click Cancel to
cancel the DPMS installation and return to the BarcoMed Product
Install Wizard.
19. The Customer Information screen will appear (see figure 23 on
the next page). The Installer will automatically fill in the blanks
using the information entered when Windows was installed on your
system. You may change this information if you wish. Click Next
to continue.
BarcoMed driver and software installation