Trimble Outdoors SK8 GPS Receiver User Manual

B-2 Lassen-SK8 Embedded GPS Module
TSIP User's Guide
TSIPCHAT is a program that provides full visibility into the TSIP interface.
Source code is provided. The source code (dual windows) requires a
BORLAND C compiler.
Starting TSIPCHAT To start the program, type TSIPCHAT-C1 or TSIPCHAT-C2 for COM1 or
COM2. the command line is: TSIPCHAT-Cx where 'x' is 1 for PC serial port
COM1 or 2 for COM2. This choice can be changed while TSIPCHAT is
running using the [CTRL] + [I] command.
As TSIPCHAT starts, it displays a list of commands in the upper half of the
console screen (command window) and a running account of automatic
(unrequested) reports in the bottom half of the screen (auto window). It also
sets the serial port to the default settings of 9600 baud, 8-Odd-1.
If the receiver is alive and outputting positions, position reports scroll
immediately in the auto window. If the auto window is empty, type 'v' to
test if the receiver is connected properly to the computer. If the serial port is
properly connected, the receiver responds within a second with the receiver
software version numbers; otherwise “waiting for reply” remains on the
Report Packets When a TSIP report packet is issued by the receiver, it is received by
TSIPCHAT, translated into a printable form and put on the screen. If the
report packet has been specifically requested by a command, it is put in the
command (upper) window; otherwise, it is reported in the auto (lower)
The common automatic reports are the navigation reports: position,
velocity, and health data. The [CTRL] + [O] command can change the
content of these auto-reports or turn them on and off. Other automatic
reports include almanac, ephemeris status, and almanac health page when
decoded; and receiver health, machine code status, and satellite selection at
regular intervals.