Trimble Outdoors SK8 GPS Receiver User Manual

Lassen-SK8 Embedded GPS Module B-1
B TSIP User's Guide
The OEM GPS Tool Kit program disk includes several TSIP interface programs designed
to help developer's evaluate and integrate the GPS module and create GPS and differential
GPS applications. These programs run on a PC-DOS platform. They are intended as a base
upon which to build application specific software, so the source code in ANSI C is
included for many of these programs. The OEM GPS Tool Kit program disk includes the
following programs:
TSIPCHAT.EXE: reads TSIP reports and prints them to the screen. It also allows
the user to exercise TSIP commands, by translating keystroke
codes into TSIP commands which are output over the serial port.
When data input is required, TSIPCHAT prompts the user for the
information. TSIPCHAT can also log TSIP reports in binary
format, and can set time on a PC based on time information from
the GPS module. Source code is provided.
TSIPPRNT.EXE: interprets a binary TSIP data stream, such as logged by
TSIPCHAT, and prints it to a file. Source code is provided.
RTCM_MON.EXE: monitors a serial port carrying RTCM differential corrections,
translates the messages and prints them to the screen.
TCHAT.EXE: provides a good working basis for GPS development. Source
code is provided. The program is Microsoft Visual C and Borland
C compatible.
This appendix provides explicit instructions for each of the programs contained in the
OEM GPS Tool Kit, and guidelines for using the source code as template for integrated
systems applications.
Note – The GPS Tool Kit diskette contains a self-extracting ZIP file that installs a complete
developer's environment within the hard disk directory you select. Installation instructions
are provided in the READ.ME file on the diskette and in Chapter 1 of this manual.