Symmetricom XL-GPS GPS Receiver User Manual

60 997-01530-01, Rev. C-25, Jan 2008
For example, enter:
F66 MANUAL 02 1 1 04 02 0 1 10
Manual settings are in effect.
The entry time is 02 a.m., week 1 (first), day 1 (Sunday), month 4 (April)
The exit time is 02 a.m., week 0 (last), day 1 (Sunday), month 10 (October).
To leave the value of any item unchanged, insert a semicolon in its place. For example, to change the
week DST begins, enter:
F66 MANUAL ; 0 ; ; ; ; ; ;<CR>
F66 responds to all changes with:
Meaning that Local time will enter DST on the last week of the month. All other parameters remain
The XL-GPS automatically reboots when the user changes the DST entry/exit times in F66.
If any of the items in an input string are invalid, an error message will be returned.
<INHOUR> = time to enter DST in 24-hour format.
<SEP> = one or more separator characters, either space comma or tab characters. For output strings
this will be a single space character.
<INWEEK> = which week to enter DST, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 0 (for last).
<INDAY> = day of week to enter DST, 1 through 7 where Sunday is 1.
<INMONTH> = month to enter DST, 1 through 12 where 1 is January.
<OUTHOUR> = hour to exit DST, in 24 hour format.
<OUTWEEK> = which week to exit DST, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 0 (for last).
<OUTDAY> = day in to exit DST, 1 through 7 where Sunday is 1.
<OUTMONTH> = month to exit DST, 1 through 12 where 1 is January
<CR> = carriage return character.
<LF> = line feed character.