(2) Free from defects in materials and workmanship which, at any time during the ECS
Warranty Period, may cause a warranted emissions-related part to fail to be identical in
all material respects to the part as described in the engine manufacturer's application for
certifi cation.
The ECS Warranty only pertains to emissions-related parts on your engine, as follows:
(1) Any warranted, emissions-related parts that are not scheduled for replacement as
required maintenance in the Owner's Manual shall be warranted for the ECS Warranty Peri-
od. If any such part fails during the ECS Warranty Period, it shall be repaired or replaced by
Robin America, Inc. according to Subsection (4) below. Any such part repaired or replaced
under the ECS Warranty shall be warranted for the remainder of the ECS Warranty Period.
(2) Any warranted, emissions-related part that is scheduled only for regular inspection as
specifi ed in the Owner's Manual shall be warranted for the ECS Warranty Period. A state-
ment in such written instructions to the effect of "repair or replace as necessary" shall not
reduce the ECS Warranty Period. Any such part repaired or replaced under the ECS War-
ranty shall be warranted for the remainder of the ECS Warranty Period.
(3) Any warranted, emissions-related part that is scheduled for replacement as required
maintenance in the Owner's Manual shall be warranted for the period of time prior to the
fi rst scheduled replacement point for that part. If the part fails prior to the fi rst scheduled re-
placement, the part shall be repaired or replaced by Subaru-Robin America, Inc. according
to Subsection (4) below. Any such emissions-related part repaired or replaced under the
ECS Warranty shall be warranted for the remainder of the ECS Warranty Period prior to the
fi rst scheduled replacement point for such emissions-related part.
(4) Repair or replacement of any warranted, emissions-related part under this ECS Warran-
ty shall be performed at no charge to the owner at a Subaru-Robin America, Inc. Authorized
Warranty Service Facility.
(5) When the engine is inspected by a Subaru-Robin America, Inc. Authorized Warranty
Service Facility, the owner shall not be held responsible for diagnostic costs if the repair is
deemed warrantable.
(6) Subaru-Robin America, Inc. shall be liable for damages to other original engine com-
ponents or approved modifi cations proximately caused by a failure under warranty of any
emission-related part covered by the ECS Warranty.
(7) Throughout the ECS Warranty Period, Subaru-Robin America, Inc. shall maintain a
supply of warranted emission-related parts suffi cient to meet the expected demand for such
emission-related parts.
(8) Any Subaru-Robin America, Inc. authorized and approved emission-related replacement
part may be used in the performance of any ECS Warranty maintenance or repairs and will
be provided without charge to the purchaser/owner. Such use shall not reduce Subaru-
Robin America, Inc.'s ECS Warranty obligations.
(9) Unapproved, add-on, modifi ed, counterfeit and/or "grey market" parts may not be
used to modify or repair a Subaru-Robin America, Inc. engine. Such use voids this ECS
Warranty and shall be suffi cient grounds for disallowing an ECS Warranty claim. Subaru-