3-40 Raychart 320 Chartplotter
In addition, you can move a selected waypoint as described in
Section 3.4, or remove a waypoint from the route as described in
Section 3.5.
Note: You cannot remove a waypoint from a route if it is the target.
Joining a Route
➤ To start following the current route at a selected waypoint:
1. Move the cursor over the required route waypoint until the letters
WPT and the waypoint soft keys are displayed.
2. Press the
Your vessel follows the route, using the selected waypoint as the tar-
get point.
3. To return to the default display, move the cursor away from the way-
point or press
Advancing to a Waypoint
When you are following a route, you can advance to the next waypoint,
even if you have not reached the current target waypoint:
➤ To advance to a waypoint:
1. Press the
GOTO default soft key to display the Goto/Follow soft keys.
2. Press the
WAYPOINT ADVANCE soft key. The current leg of the route is
abandoned and the next waypoint becomes the target. The display is
updated to show the new route leg.
Note: You can advance past the end of a route back to the start.
Restart Cross Track Error (XTE)
Whilst following a route or going to a target point, you can restart the
XTE. This sets the XTE to zero and moves the origin to the actual vessel
Restarting XTE is useful if you find the vessel off track and prefer to go
straight to your target, rather than going back to the original track.
➤ To restart XTE:
1. Press the
GOTO default soft key, the Follow/Goto soft keys are dis-
2. Press the
RESTART XTE soft key. The route origin moves to the vessel’s
current position, resetting the XTE to zero.
81167_3.BOOK Page 40 Wednesday, November 21, 2001 2:12 PM