Chapter 3: Operation 3-37
• Move the cursor over a route leg until the letters RTE appear; the route
soft keys are displayed.
i. Press the
REVERSE ROUTE soft key; the current route is reversed on
the screen and the waypoints are renumbered accordingly.
ii. Press
CLEAR to return to the default soft key display.
3.6 Following Routes and Going to Waypoints
The default GOTO soft key accesses the functions to follow a route and
a waypoint or cursor. When a target destination is selected, the
Chartplotter calculates bearing, distance and cross track error (XTE).
This information can be shown on screen and is sent on SeaTalk and
NMEA for use by an Autopilot or display on a compatible SeaTalk or
NMEA repeater. You can also restart the XTE from the vessel’s position
and set XTE to zero at that point.
When the Chartplotter is following a route, the target destination is
indicated by a square around the waypoint and a dotted line shows the
intended track, from your start point or previous waypoint, to the target
This section describes the following:
• Go to an individual target point (an existing waypoint or the cursor).
• Follow a route either forward, or reversed.
• Joining a route at a selected waypoint, advancing to waypoints or
restarting XTE.
• Stop and Restart Follow/Goto.
• Target Point Arrival
An alarm is triggered when approaching a waypoint. This section
describes what occurs when arriving at waypoints. Chapter 4 describes
how to set the alarm.
The Chartplotter can also display the vessel’s actual track which can be
recorded for later display. The Track function is described in Section 3.9,
Using Tracks.
➤ To access the Goto/Follow soft keys, press the GOTO default soft key; the
soft keys are displayed as shown in Figure 3-42.
Figure 3-42: GoTo Soft Keys
Note: The soft keys differ if a follow or goto is already in progress.
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