j (Pause): Select this screen button to pause the
route preview.
Th / | h (Scroll to Destination): Select this
screen button to scroll to the destination, next way point,
or next POI depending on the mode selected. This
button will toggle between slow and fast speed.
th (Skip to Destination): Select this screen button
to skip to the destination, next way point, or next
POI depending on the mode selected.
Info (Information): When the skip/scroll functions are
used and the cursor stops at a POI, this screen
button will appear. Press this screen button to provide
information regarding the POI; name, address, city,
and phone number.
Edit: Select this screen button to change the way the
skip/scroll functions operate. You can select to have the
skip/scroll go to the start point/destination or to the
next available POI or waypoint.
To next Dest. (destination) and WP (waypoint):
Selecting tis option will cause the skip/scroll function to
skip/scroll to the next destination or waypoint.
To next POI: To make this button available, a POI
category must be selected. Select this option to
skip/scroll to the next available POI, on the route, for
the chosen category.
Delete: Select this screen button to delete the selected
POI category.
Category Selection: Select one of the categories from
the list to add or replace the current POI category.