All Local POI’s: Select this screen button to display
the list of available POIs. This list is based on the added
POI categories. The list will contain the POIs within a
20 mile (32 km) area from the current position of
your vehicle. The list provides the POI icon, the name,
the direction, and the distance to the POI from your
vehicles current position. Use the scroll symbols to move
up and down the list. Use the Sort by DIST. (distance),
Icon, Name, and Route as desired.
Once a POI icon has been selected, the scroll symbol
will appear around the POI icon on the map and
the name of the POI will appear on the display. Select
the Info screen button to display more available
information about the specific point.
Select the back screen
button to return to the
previous page.
Select the cancel screen
button to return to the first
menu of the selected