Installation and Operation Manual
OFFICIAL 6/4/2001
Troubleshooting of the Model 1000AR drive should only be attempted by
personnel experienced in working on high-voltage, high power equipment.
Equipment Necessary for Troubleshooting :
Safety Glasses
A Volt-Ohm-Milliammeter, preferably digital, with:
A DC Voltage scale of 1000VDC minimum
An AC True-RMS Voltage scale of 1000VAC minimum
A fuse-protected ohmmeter with as low a scale as possible
A frequency reading capability, if possible
A plug-in attachment to read AC and DC current, if possible
Meter leads insulated for 1500 VDC
A True RMS clamp on ammeter for AC current, or DC current, or both
An oscilloscope is handy if the person using it knows how to use it well.
. 5. Other equipment may be required for some configurations.
6. A Megger is useful for checking motor integrity and wiring insulation.
Spare Parts are Necessary to do On-Site Repairs Quickly and Efficiently.
Some or all of the following parts may be required for fast on-site repair.
Listed in approximate order of importance.
Item Part Part Spares
Description Designation Number Quantity
Input Fuses FU1, FU2, and FU3 * HP * 10
Transformer Fuse FU4 FLQ-8/10 5
Capacitor Board 141-206 1
Output Transistor Module * HP * 1
Driver Board 141-105 1
Current Controller Board 141-108 1
Input Diode Module RECT1 * HP * 1
Power Transformer T1 141-004 1
Speed Controller Board 147-101 1
Input Choke L1 141-005 1
Bus Loader 149-201 1
Bus Loader Resistor(s) 50 ohm 1
Bus Loader Fuse * HP * 1
* HP * means horsepower and/or voltage dependent.
Consult your Distributor for spare parts pricing and delivery.
A Word About The Troubleshooting Charts
Troubleshooting charts cannot solve every problem
Troubleshooting charts are a useful tool in tracing simple problems down to the board or major component level.
Follow the troubleshooting chart as far as you can until the problem is resolved or you reach a dead end.
If you find yourself coming back to the same point in the troubleshooting chart several times, call the factory and
obtain the help of a trained technician. Let him know what point you keep coming to in the chart. This will help us to
improve the troubleshooting chart in the future.