
LX 7007 pro IGC V1.0 Apr.2005
This setting defines the turn point zone, sometimes referred to as the observation zone. The procedure is very similar to
setting the START ZONE except that more options are available for A21.
SYMMETRICAL: The axis of the turn point zone is orientated symmetrically about the line bisecting the inbound
leg from the previous turn point and the outbound leg to the next turn point.
TO PREV POINT: The axis of the turn point zone is orientated towards the previous turn point. This option is
intended for Cat’s Cradle and related tasks.
TO NEXT POINT: The axis of the turn point zone is orientated towards the next turn point. This option is also
intended for Cat’s Cradle.
TO START POINT: The axis of the turn point zone is orientated towards the start point. Again, this is a Cat’s
Cradle option.
FIXED VALUE: The axis of the turn point zone can be orientated in any specified direction. This is the only
option for which A21 is not set to AUTO.
Example 3:
To specify a turn point zone that is a combination of the FAI 90° photo sector and a 500m radius cylinder:
A1: 45
R1: 3.0km
A2: 180
R2: 0.5km
All the examples discussed are intended to explain the programming procedures and present capability of the LX 7007
PRO IGC and do not claim to be comprehensive. Each competition will have its own rules regarding the definition of
sectors, which can be found in the particular competition rules. In case of doubt, the rules defined in the FAI Sporting
Code Section 3 should be used. In most national decentralised championships, FAI-
adges, 1000/2000km diplomas
and the Barron-Hilton-Cup, only the 90
FAI photosector is allowed, while for record flights a 1000m startline is used
for recording the start time.
It should be noted that when defining combined sectors, the sector with the smaller radius must be designated by A2
and R2
ie. R1>R2!