
LX 7007 pro IGC V1.0 Apr.2005
Page 15
A21: Orientation ( Options: TO NEXT, RAD.1. TP, and USER VALUE). If TO NEXT or RAD.1.TP are
selected, then AUTO is also displayed not permitting any rotation. If USER VALUE is selected, the
sector can be rotated.
A1: First angle
R1: Radius of the sector having angle A1, e.g. 3km for the FAI photo sector.
A2: Like A1, used for creating combined sectors.
R2: Like R1, also used for combined sectors
AUTO NEXT (Y,N) defines the change over procedure on reaching the sector.
At first, this sounds complex, but the following examples will help to clarify the meaning of these settings.
Example 1:
The default setting shown above defines the FAI 90° photo sector combined with a 1km radius cylinder. To modify
these settings to set the FAI 90° photo sector as the start zone, the parameters are modified as follows:
A21 is set to TO NEXT POINT and AUTO as the start zone wants to be orientated symmetrically about the track to the
first turn point.
A1 is 45°, because the bisector of the FAI 90° sector is needed.
R1 is 3km, the radius of the sector.
A2 and R2 are both 0 as a combined sector is not needed .
Example 2:
Program a 180°, 6km Start Zone:
A1: 90
R1: 3km radius
A2: 0
R2: 0
The IGC competition rules of May 2000 specify the start sector for international championships to be a straight line
perpendicular to the first track. This particular option cannot be defined in the LX 7007 PRO IGC and the 180° start
sector is programmed as Example 2 above. The only disadvantage of this is that the LX 7007 PRO IGC will record
a good start when the there is a fix recorded in the zone, whereas in reality a good start is only made when the start
line is crossed in the right direction. The diagram below illustrates this: