Honeywell KLN 94 GPS Receiver User Manual

B KLN 94
Rev. 4, Jan/2003 10599I04.CDL Page A-5
30 Engine Two Fuel Flow Rate Checksum
Sum of Right Engine Fuel Flow Rate bytes computed as for Total Fuel Remaining
31-36 Total Fuel Used
ASCII-coded decimal format as for Total Fuel Remaining
37 Total Fuel Used Checksum
Sum of Total Fuel Used bytes computed as for Total Fuel Remaining
38-43 Engine One Fuel Used
ASCII-coded decimal format as for Total Fuel Remaining
44 Engine One Fuel Used Checksum
Sum of Left Engine Fuel Flow Rate bytes computed as for Total Fuel Remaining
45-50 Engine Two Fuel Used
ASCII-coded decimal format as used for Total Fuel Remaining
51 Engine Two Fuel Used Checksum
Sum of Left Engine Fuel Flow Rate bytes computed as for Total Fuel Remaining
52 ETX (ASCII code 03H)
1. In the case of single engine aircraft, all Engine One and Engine Two data (including
checksums) shall be asterisks (ASCII code 2AH).
2. This 52 byte record shall be transmitted every 1.6 seconds ± 0.16 seconds.