B KLN 94
Rev. 4, Jan/2003 10599I04.CDL Page A-14
G sdddd 5 crosstrack error; dash if nav flag is set.
s=sign: R for aircraft position right of course, L
for aircraft position left of course
dddd=100 X crosstrack error, nm
I (upper
case INDIA)
dddd 4 10 X magnetic desired track, degrees (use
selected course in OBS mode); dash if nav flag
is set.
K ddddd 5 active waypoint identifier
L dddd 4 10 X magnetic bearing to active waypoint,
degrees (use radial from active waypoint ±180°
in OBS mode); dash if position flag is set.
Q sddd 4 magnetic variation; dash if position flag is set.
s=sign: E for east, W for west
ddd=10 X magnetic variation, degrees
---A----- 9 warnings; 4th character is "A" if estimated
position error exceeds 3.8 nm, otherwise "-"
a snnnnn 6 baro-corrected external altitude input
s=sign: + or -
nnnnn=altitude, feet (to nearest foot); dash if not
j hh:mm:ss 8 UTC time of data
hh=hours; mm=minutes; ss=seconds
l dddddd 6 10 X distance to destination, nm; dash if nav
flag is set.
q ttfffff 7 QuickTune™ frequency
t = target radio
f = frequency data
This item is sent once when a COMM or NAV
frequency is selected for external QuickTune. It
is not sent as part of the normal data stream.
This data shall be sent at the first available time
slot on the bus. The time delay shall be no
greater than one second.
Data Field