Memory Page
The memory page (see sidebar, page 37) allows you
to easily add the active channel to a memory bank. It also
displays channel number, type (duplex/simplex), band
(US, Canada, International), and channel usage.
To select the memory page:
1. Press
To add a channel to memory from the memory page:
1. Highlight ‘Add to the ‘Memory Bank’ field and press
. Select the desired bank number using the
2. Highlight ‘SAVE?’ and press
. The channel is
now saved to the bank you selected.
Tri Watch
In addition to dual watch scanning (see the getting
started section) a tri watch mode is available. Tri watch
scans between channel 16, 9 (or whatever the call chan-
nel is set to) and the last selected channel. This feature is
handy when you need to monitor channel 16 for emer-
gency communication, but also want to listen to channel
9 for hailing calls, and a third channel for another pur-
To activate tri watch:
1. Press
The unit will scan between chan-
nel 16 , 9 and the last selected channel, stopping when
traffic is detected. Press
PTT to cancel tri
Power Override
On certain channels, the FCC requires the transmit-
ting power to be limited to, and remain at one watt (see
Appendix C). The default setting on these channels is one
watt and cannot be changed. There are also some one
watt ‘initial’ channels, in which the FCC allows the power
to be increased to five watts under certain cicumstances.
To switch to five watts:
1. Press the transmit power button which is located
below the PTT button.
When the unit is in tri
watch mode, ‘TRI’ is dis-
played in the VHF status
Page/Tri Watch
The GPSCOM 170 gives
you the option of transmit-
ting using 1 watt or 5 watts
of power. Transmitting at 1
watt of power is useful
for short-range conversa-
tions and won’t interfere
with a large number of
boaters. Transmitting at 1
watt also prolongs battery
life. The VHF status bar
will display an ‘L’ when 1
watt is being used or an ‘H’
when 5 watts is selected.
170 manual pages rev D 9/21/98 9:23 AM Page 38