The Telecommunications Act of 1996, effective February 8, 1996, provides the FCC discretion
to eliminate radio station license requirements for aircraft and ships. At the present time, you
do not need an individual license to operate the GPSCOM 170 aboard your private vessel in
many circumstances. To find out the specific details on whether you are exempt from licens-
ing, please see FCC Fact Sheet PR 5000 or contact the FCC at 1-800-322-1117.
Note that no license is required for a portable radio used only as a backup on a vessel which
already has a station license per FCC 506 Instructions dated 1993.
If a marine license is required or desired, contact the FCC at 1-800-322-1117 to request form
506, Application for Ship Radio Station License.
The FCC also has a fax-on-demand service to provide forms by fax at 1-202-418-0177.
The GPSCOM 170 owner accepts all responsibility for obtaining the proper licensing before
using the transmitter.
WARNING! This transmitter will operate on channels/frequen-
cies that have restricted use in the United States. The channel
assignments include frequencies assigned for exclusive use of the
U.S. Coast Guard, use in Canada, and use in International
waters. Operation in these frequencies without proper autho-
rization is strictly forbidden. For frequencies/channels that are
currently available for use in the U.S. without an individual
license, please contact the FCC Call Center at 1-888-CALL-FCC.
170 manual pages rev D 9/21/98 9:23 AM Page ii