10.14 AIS System Messages
AIS system messages are displayed at the bottom right corner of the screen. The table
below shows the AIS system messages and their meanings.
AIS system messages
Message Meaning
A-FSN ARPA target converted to AIS target. The indication
disappears when the target no longer meets the
criteria set for the fusion feature. When the
message A-RCV is displayed, A-FSN not displayed.
A-CLSN CPA/TCPA of an AIS target is below preset value.
A-LOST Lost target
A-RCV Not receiving AIS data
A-WT This message appears when the water tracking
mode is set at the radar and STW and CSE are not
available. In this case the speed and course vector
on the AIS symbol disappears and SOG and COG
for the AIS target are displayed (on the basic
display). See the table on the next page for
A-GZ Displayed when a target enters the ARPA guard
A-CPA CPA/TCPA of the AIS target cannot be calculated
because the “A-WT” alarm has been violated. *** is
shown at the CPA/TCPA data location on the basic
display. See the table on the next page for
A-FULL Displayed when 1000 AIS targets have been
received. (The radar can only display 1000 AIS
targets closest in range to own ship.)