Transmission failure during
Data is transmitted only once. When trans-
mission error occurs, the following message
Failed in transmitting
Press any key
Figure 1-20
Press any key to erase the message. Follow
"Transmitting data" in this paragraph to trans-
mit data again.
1.6 The Interface Unit
The Interface Unit IF-2500 outputs data re-
ceived from the navigators to external equip-
ment. Operational status is shown by the LEDs
on the unit. For further details, see APPEN-
DIX B of this manual. For how to select data
to output, see paragraph 8.4 Outputting Data.
Output data conventions
Since both navigators output data to the IF-
2500 (through two ports on the interface) con-
fusion would reign if it were to try to output
two sets of mostly identical data. Therefore,
data output is governed by the following rules:
• When both navigators are outputting data
correctly, data received at the port having
higher priority is output.
• When the GPS abnormal receive signal is
received at the port having higher priority,
data received from the other port is output.
• 30 seconds after data received at the port
having higher priority becomes normal,
the interface resumes outputting data re-
ceived from that port.
• When data from both navigators is in er-
ror, data received at the port having higher
priority is output.
• Arrival alarm signal or cross track error
alarm is converted to a contact signal and
output when received at the port having
higher priority.
• When no data is received from one or both
navigators, a contact signal is output.