A-4 Appendix MN894
Overload Relay Adjustment
A class 30 electonic relay is provided with combination and non-combination starters.
Read the FLA from the motor nameplate and set the overload dial to the correct ampere
setting. Refer to the table that represents the starter size.
Caution: Select the table that matches you starter size only. Do not use the
switch settings for a starter size that is different than the one you
are setting up. Using the wrong switch setting can damage the
Multipurpose Soft Starter control.
Caution: For starters size 8, 16 and 30A is direct reading. Using the wrong
setting may damage the multiputpose soft start control.
Overload Relay - Electronic Class 30
Size 055# Passes
through the window
Dial Setting / Amps
1 (Straight through) 45 50 60 70 80 90
2 (1 loop) 22.5 25 30 35 40 45
3 (2 loop) 11 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5
Size 080# Passes
through the window
Dial Setting / Amps
1 (Straight Through) 45 50 60 70 80 90
2 (1 loop) 22.5 25 30 35 40 45
Size 160
# Pa th h th i d
Dial Setting / Amps
# Passes through the window
3 4 5 6
3 (2 loops) 100 133 167 −
4 (3 loops) 75 100 125 150
5 (4 loops) 60 80 100 120
6 (5 loops) 50 67 83 100
# Passes 9 10 11 12 14 16 18
6 (5 loops) 160 − − − − − −
7 (6 loops) 128 143 157 − − − −
8 (7 loops) 112 125 137 150 − − −
Size 420
# Pa th h th i d
Dial Setting / Amps
# Passes through the window
3 4 5 6
1 (Straight Through) 300 400 500 −
2 (1 loop) 150 200 250 300
3 (2 loop) 100 133 167 200
4 (3 loop) 75 100 125 150
# Passes 9 10 11 12 14 16 18
3 (2 loops) 300 333 366 400 − − −
4 (3 loops) 225 250 275 300 350 400 −
5 (4 loops) 180 200 220 240 280 320 360
Size 250
# Pa th h th i d
Dial Setting / Amps
# Passes through the window
3 4 5 6
2 (1 loop) 150 200 250 −
3 (2 loop) 100 133 167 200
4 (3 loop) 75 100 125 150
5 (4 loop) 60 80 100 120
# Passes 9 10 11 12 14 16 18
5 (4 loops) 180 200 220 240 − − −
6 (5 loops) 166 185 203 216 − − −
7 (6 loops) 126 140 154 168 196 224 254
Size 840
# Pa th h th i d
Dial Setting / Amps
# Passes through the window
3 4 5 6
1 (Straight Through) 600 800 1000 −
2 (1 loop) 300 400 500 600
3 (2 loop) 150 200 250 300
# Passes 9 10 11 12 14 16 18
3 (2 loops) 600 667 734 800 − − −
4 (3 loops) 450 500 550 600 700 800 −
5 (4 loops) 360 400 440 480 560 640 720
1 Pass (Straight Through) 2 Pass (1 Loop)