National Instruments Corporation I-1 NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles
8253 counter (ICTR) functions. See counter/
timer functions.
AI and MIO device function support (table),
AI_Change_Parameter function, 2-1 to 2-2
AI_Check function, 2-3 to 2-4
AI_Clear function, 2-5
AI_Configure function, 2-6 to 2-9
AI_MUX_Config function, 2-10 to 2-11
AI_Read function, 2-12 to 2-13
AI_Read_Scan function, 2-14
AI_Setup function, 2-15 to 2-16
AI_VRead function, 2-17 to 2-18
AI_VRead_Scan function, 2-19
AI_VScale function, 2-20 to 2-21
Align_DMA_Buffer function, 2-22 to 2-24
Am9513 counter (CTR) functions. See counter/
timer functions.
AMUX-64T boards, configuring, 2-10 to 2-11
analog filter
enabling/disabling, 2-31
frequency correction, 2-33 to 2-34
analog input calibration, SCXI modules,
2-326 to 2-328
analog input channel settings
DAQ devices (table), B-1 to B-2
internal channel purposes for analog input
devices (table), B-4
valid internal analog input channels (table),
analog input functions
AI_Change_Parameter, 2-1 to 2-2
AI_Check, 2-3 to 2-4
AI_Clear, 2-5
AI_Configure, 2-6 to 2-9
AI_MUX_Config, 2-10 to 2-11
AI_Read, 2-12 to 2-13
AI_Setup, 2-15 to 2-16
AI_VRead, 2-17 to 2-18
AI_VScale, 2-20 to 2-21
2-83 to 2-89
DAQ_Check function, 2-115 to 2-116
DAQ_Clear, 2-117
DAQ_Config, 2-118 to 2-120
DAQ_DB_Config, 2-121
DAQ_DB_HalfReady, 2-122 to 2-123
DAQ_DB_Transfer, 2-124 to 2-125
DAQ_Monitor, 2-126 to 2-128
DAQ_Rate, 2-132 to 2-133
DAQ_Set_Clock, 2-134 to 2-135
DAQ_Start, 2-136 to 2-139
DAQ_StopTrigger_Config, 2-140 to 2-141
DAQ_VScale, 2-145 to 2-146
definition, 1-13
Lab_ISCAN_Check, 2-263 to 2-265
Lab_ISCAN_Start, 2-270 to 2-273
LabWindows function panel tree, 1-7 to 1-8
NI-DAQ function support (table)
DSA devices, C-9 to C-10
Lab/516/DAQCard-500/700 devices,
C-6 to C-7
MIO and AI devices, C-1 to C-5
SCAN_Demux, 2-294 to 2-295