Chapter 2 Function Reference — SCXI_Get_Status
NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles 2-342
National Instruments Corporation
status = SCXI_Get_Status (SCXIChassisID, moduleSlot, wait, data)
Reads the data in the Status Register on the specified module. This function supports the
SCXI-1160, VXI-SC-1102, SCXI-1102, SCXI-1122, SCXI-1124, and SCXI-1126 modules.
Parameter Discussion
wait determines if the function should poll the Status Register on the module until either the
module is ready or timeout is reached. If the module is not ready by timeout, NI-DAQ returns
a timeout error.
1: The function will poll the Status Register on the module, until ready or timeout.
0: The function will read and return the Status Register on the module.
data contains the contents of the Status Register.
0: Indicates that the module is busy. Do not perform any further operations on the
modules until the status bit goes high again. This value means the SCXI-1122 or
SCXI-1160 relays are still switching or the SCXI-1124 DACs are still settling.
1: Indicates that the module is ready. The SCXI-1122 or SCXI-1160 relays are
finished switching or the SCXI-1124 DACs have settled.
C Programmers—data is a pass-by-reference parameter.
Name Type Description
SCXIChassisID i16 chassis ID number
moduleSlot i16 module slot number
wait i16 determines if the function should poll the Status
Register, until timeout, for the SCXI module to
become ready
Name Type Description
data u32 contains the contents of the Status Register