
Chapter 2 Function Reference DIG_Grp_Status
NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles 2-170
National Instruments Corporation
DIG_In_Grp can fetch the data an external device has latched in. If the specified group is
configured as an output group and
DIG_Grp_Status returns handshakeStatus = 1,
DIG_Out_Grp can write the next piece of data to the external device. If the specified group
is not assigned any ports, NI-DAQ returns an error code and handshakeStatus = 0.
You must call
DIG_Grp_Config to assign ports to a group and to configure a group for data
direction. Group configuration is discussed under the
DIG_Grp_Config description.
For the DIO-32F, the state of handshakeStatus corresponds to the state of the DRDY bit.
Refer to your device user manual for handshake timing details.