Chapter 2 Function Reference — SCXI_ModuleID_Read
National Instruments Corporation 2-345 NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles
status = SCXI_ModuleID_Read (SCXIchassisID, moduleSlot, ModuleID)
Reads the Module ID register of the SCXI module in the given slot.
Parameter Discussion
moduleID is the value read from the Module ID register on the module. The module ID
has the same numeric values as the modulePresent parameter of the
SCXI_Get_Module_Info function
–1 or 0: The communication path most likely is broken (for example, the chassis is
powered off, a cable is not connected, the wrong cable adapter has been installed,
or wrong jumper settings made), or there is no module present in that slot.
1: SCXI-1126.
2: SCXI-1121.
4: SCXI-1120.
6: SCXI-1100.
8: SCXI-1140.
10: SCXI-1122.
12: SCXI-1160.
14: SCXI-1161.
16: SCXI-1162.
18: SCXI-1163.
20: SCXI-1124.
24: SCXI-1162HV.
28: SCXI-1163R.
Name Type Description
SCXIchassisID i16 logical ID assigned to the SCXI chassis
moduleSlot i16 SCXI module slot number
Name Type Description
moduleID i32 module ID read from the given slot