Chapter 2 Function Reference — DIG_In_Line
NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles 2-174
National Instruments Corporation
state returns the digital logic state of the specified line.
0: The specified digital line is at a digital logic low.
1: The specified digital line is at a digital logic high.
Note C Programmers—state is a pass-by-reference parameter.
Using This Function
DIG_In_Line returns the digital logic state of the specified digital line in the specified port.
If the specified port is configured as an input port, NI-DAQ determines the state of the
specified line by the way in which some external device is driving it. If the port or line is
configured for output as an output port and the port has read-back capability, NI-DAQ
determines the state of the line by the way in which that port itself is driving it. Reading a line
configured for output on the PC-TIO-10 or an E Series device returns a warning stating that
NI-DAQ has read an output line.