Chapter 2 Function Reference — SCXI_SCAN_Setup
National Instruments Corporation 2-355 NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles
status = SCXI_SCAN_Setup (SCXIchassisID, numModules, moduleList, numChans,
startChans, DAQdeviceNumber, modeFlag)
Sets up the SCXI chassis for a multiplexed scanning data acquisition to be performed by the
given DAQ device. You can scan modules in any order; however, you must scan channels on
each module in consecutive order. The function downloads a module scan list to Slot 0 in the
SCXI chassis that will determine the sequence of modules to be scanned and how many
channels on each module NI-DAQ will scan. NI-DAQ programs each module with its given
start channel and resolves any contention on the SCXIbus.
Parameter Discussion
numModules is the number of modules to be scanned, and the length of the moduleList,
numChans, and startChans arrays.
Range: 1 to 256.
moduleList is an array of length numModules containing the list of module slot numbers
corresponding to the modules to be scanned.
Range: moduleList[i] =1 to n, where n is the number of slots in the chassis.
Name Type Description
SCXIchassisID i16 logical ID assigned to the SCXI chassis
numModules i16 number of modules to be scanned
moduleList [i16] list of module slot numbers
numChans [i16] how many channels to scan on each module
startChans [i16] contains the start channels for each module
DAQdeviceNumber i16 the DAQ device that will be performing the
channel scanning
modeFlag i16 scanning mode to be used