Chapter 2 Function Reference — DAQ_Op
NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles 2-130
National Instruments Corporation
invalid gain, NI-DAQ will return an error. NI-DAQ ignores gain for 516 and LPM devices and
the DAQCard-500/700.
buffer is an integer array. buffer has a length equal to or greater than count. When
returns with an error number equal to zero, buffer contains the acquired data.
count is the number of samples to be acquired (that is, the number of A/D conversions to be
Range: 3 through 2
– 1 (except for the Lab and 1200 Series and E Series devices).
3 through 65,535 (Lab and 1200 Series devices).
2 through 2
(E Series devices).
2 through 2
– 3 (PCI-6110E and PCI-6111E) requires an even number of
2 through 2
2 through 2
– 1 (PCI-455X).
sampleRate is the sample rate you want in, units of pts/s.
Range: Roughly 0.00153 pts/s through 5,000,000 pts/s. The maximum rate depends on
the type of device.
Note If you are using an SCXI-1200 with remote SCXI, the maximum rate will depend
on the baud rate setting and count. Refer to the SCXI-1200 User Manual for more
Using This Function
DAQ_Op initiates a synchronous process of acquiring A/D conversion samples and storing
them in a buffer.
DAQ_Op does not return control to your application until NI-DAQ acquires
all the samples you want (or until an acquisition error occurs). When you are using posttrigger
mode (with pretrigger mode disabled), the process stores count A/D conversions in the buffer
and ignores any subsequent conversions.
Note If you have selected external start triggering of the DAQ operation, a high-to-low
edge at the STARTTRIG* I/O connector of the MIO-16, the EXTTRIG* input of
the AT-MIO-16F-5, AT-MIO-64F-5 and AT-MIO-16X or a low-to-high edge at the
EXTTRIG input of the Lab and 1200 Series devices initiates the DAQ operation.
If you are using an E Series device or DSA device, you need to apply a trigger that
you select through the
Select_Signal or DAQ_Config functions to initiate data
acquisition. Be aware that if you do not apply the start trigger,
DAQ_Op does not
return control to your application. Otherwise,
DAQ_Op issues a software trigger to
initiate the DAQ operation.
If you have enabled pretrigger mode, the sample counter does not begin counting acquisitions
until you apply a signal at the stop trigger input. Until you apply this signal, the acquisition
remains in a cyclical mode, continually overwriting old data in the buffer with new data.