Chapter 2 Function Reference — WFM_Chan_Control
NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles 2-402
National Instruments Corporation
status = WFM_Chan_Control (deviceNumber, chan, operation)
Temporarily halts or restarts waveform generation for a single analog output channel.
Parameter Discussion
chan is the analog output channel to be paused or restarted.
Range: 0 or 1 for most devices.
0 through 5 for AT-AO-6.
0 through 9 for AT-AO-10.
operation selects the operation to be performed on the output channel.
operation = 2 (PAUSE): Temporarily halts waveform generation for the output
channel. The last voltage available on the analog output
channel is maintained indefinitely.
operation = 4 (RESUME): Restarts waveform generation for the output channel
previously halted by operation = PAUSE.
Using This Function
This function does not support E Series devices.
When you have halted a waveform generation has been halted by executing PAUSE, the
RESUME operation restarts the waveform exactly at the point in your buffer where it left off.
Name Type Description
deviceNumber i16 assigned by configuration utility
chan i16 analog output channel
operation i16 pause or resume