Chapter 2 Function Reference — SCAN_Setup
National Instruments Corporation 2-307 NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles
status = SCAN_Setup (deviceNumber, numChans, chanVector, gainVector)
Initializes circuitry for a scanned data acquisition operation. Initialization includes storing a
table of the channel sequence and gain setting for each channel to be digitized (MIO and AI
devices only).
Parameter Discussion
numChans is the number of channels in the chanVector.
Range: 1 through 16.
1 through 512 for the E Series devices, AT-MIO-16F-5, AT-MIO-64F-5, and
1 through n for PCI-6110E, PCI-6111E, and DSA devices, where n is the number
of physical channels onboard.
chanVector is an integer array of length numChans that contains the onboard channel scan
sequence to be used. chanVector can contain any analog input channel number in any order.
For the channel number range, refer to Table B-1 in Appendix B, Analog Input Channel,
Gain Settings, and Voltage Calculation. For example, if numChans = 4 and if
chanVector[1] = 7, the second channel to be scanned is analog input channel 7, and four
analog input channels are scanned.
The channels listed in the scan sequence refer to the onboard channel numbers.
If you use one or more external multiplexer devices (AMUX-64Ts), with any MIO or AI
device except the MIO-64, the total number of channels scanned equals (four-to-one
(number of onboard channels scanned)
(number of external multiplexer
Name Type Description
deviceNumber i16 assigned by configuration utility
numChans i16 number of channels
chanVector [i16] channel scan sequence
gainVector [i16] gain setting to be used for each channel in