Chapter 2 Function Reference — MIO_Config
NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles 2-284
National Instruments Corporation
status = MIO_Config (deviceNumber, dither, useAMUX)
Turns dithering (the addition of Gaussian noise to the analog input signal) on and off, for an
E Series device except the AT-MIO-16F-5, AT-MIO-64F-5, PCI-6110E, PCI-6111E, and Lab
and 1200 Series devices (except the Lab-PC+). This function also lets you specify whether to
use AMUX-64T channels or onboard channels for devices with 64 channels.
Parameter Discussion
dither indicates whether to add approximately 0.5 LSB rms of white Gaussian noise to the
input signal. This is useful for applications that involve averaging to increase the effective
resolution of a device. For high-speed applications that do not involve averaging, dithering is
not recommended and should be disabled.
0: Disable dithering.
1: Enable dithering.
This parameter is ignored for the 16-bit E Series devices. Dithering is always enabled on these
useAMUX is valid for the devices with 64 channels only.
1: To use AMUX-64T channels.
0: To use onboard channels.
Name Type Description
deviceNumber i16 assigned by configuration utility
dither i16 whether to add approximately 0.5 LSB rms of
white Gaussian noise to the input signal
useAMUX i16 whether to use AMUX-64T input channels or
onboard channels for 64 channel devices