Chapter 2 Function Reference — WFM_Load
NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles 2-428
National Instruments Corporation
and the pattern of waveform followed by delay followed by waveform and so on, which goes
on indefinitely (for devices other than DAQArb 5411 devices).
Note The following information applies to DAQArb 5411 devices only.
mode allows you to indicate whether to use FIFO mode waveform generation, if your device
has a FIFO.
Range: 0 or 1 for most devices.
0 for all other devices.
1, 2, 3, or 4 for the DAQArb 5411 devices.
Note To determine the size of the analog output FIFO on your board, refer to your
hardware manual.
Table 2-41.
Mode Values for the Iterations Parameter for DAQArb 5411 Devices
Mode Iterations
0 not supported
1 0 for continuous cyclic waveform generation. 1 through 65,535 for
programmed cyclic waveform generation.
3 iterations takes on a meaning of buffer ID. To load multiple buffers into
the memory for arbitrary waveform generation, you can call
WFM_Load a
multiple number of times with mode set to 2. For the first buffer loaded,
set the iterations parameter to 0. You must continue to increment the
iterations parameter by 1 every time you call
WFM_Load with mode = 2.
The value of iterations parameter becomes the number I/D for that buffer
being loaded. To generate those buffers, call
WFM_Load with mode = 4.
You can refer to those buffers by their buffer/ID.
Note: If you call
WFM_Load in this mode with the iterations parameter
not set to one more than it was for the previous
WFM_Load, you
receive an error condition. You do not have to load all the previous
buffers in such an error condition.You can load the new buffer with
the corrected value for iterations parameter. Loading a buffer with
the iterations parameter set to 0 clears all the previous buffers.
2 Ignored. Set it to 0.
4 Ignored. Set it to 0.