Chapter 2 Function Reference — DIG_Prt_Config
National Instruments Corporation 2-183 NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles
status = DIG_Prt_Config (deviceNumber, port, mode, dir)
Configures the specified port for direction (input or output). DIG_Prt_Config also sets the
handshake mode for the DIO-24, AT-MIO-16D, AT-MIO-16DE-10, DIO-96, and Lab and
1200 Series devices.
Parameter Discussion
port is the digital I/O port number.
Range: 0 or 1 for the AT-AO-6/10, DAQCard-500/700, PC-TIO-10, PC-OPDIO-16,
516 devices, AO-2DC, Am9513-based MIO devices, and LPM devices.
0 for the E Series devices, except the AT-MIO-16DE-10.
0 through 2 for the DIO-24 and Lab and 1200 Series devices.
0 through 3 for the DIO-32F and DIO 6533 (DIO-32HS).
0 and 2 through 4 for the AT-MIO-16DE-10.
0 through 3 for the VXI-AO-48XDC.
0 through 4 for the AT-MIO-16D.
0 through 11 for the DIO-96.
0 through 15 for the VXI-DIO-128.
0 for the PCI-4451 and PCI-4452.
0 through 3 for the PCI-4551 and PCI-4552.
mode indicates the handshake mode that the port uses.
0: Port is configured for no-handshaking (nonlatched) mode. You must use
mode = 0 for all other ports and boards. You can use the DIO-32F and
DIO 6533 (DIO-32HS) for handshaking, but only through the group calls
Name Type Description
deviceNumber i16 assigned by configuration utility
port i16 digital I/O port number
mode i16 handshake mode
dir i16 direction, input, or output