
Chapter 2 Function Reference SCXI_Cal_Constants
National Instruments Corporation 2-323 NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles
Parameter Discussion
channel is the number of the channel on the module.
Range: 0 to n–1, where n is the number of channels available on the module.
–1: All channels on the module. For instance, the SCXI-1100 and SCXI-1122
modules have one amplifier for all channels, so calibration constants for those
modules apply to all the module channels.
2: The voltage (calConst2) and current excitation channels (calConst1) on the
module. This is valid for the SCXI-1122 only, and only when opCode = 0.
opCode specifies the type of calibration operation to be performed.
0: Retrieve calibration constants for the given channel and range or gain from
calibrationArea and return them in calConst1 and calConst2.
1: Perform a one-point offset calibration calculation using (scaled1, binary1) for
the given channel and gain and write calibration constants to calibrationArea
(SCXI analog input modules only).
2: Perform a two-point calibration calculation using (scaled1, binary1) and
(scaled2, binary2) for the given channel and range or gain and write calibration
constants to calibrationArea.
3: Write the calibration constants passed in calConst1 and calConst2 to
calibrationArea for the given channel and range or gain.
4: Copy the entire calibration table in calibrationArea to the module EEPROM
default load area so that it will be loaded automatically into NI-DAQ memory
during subsequent application runs (SCXI-1122, SCXI-1124, SCXI-1126, and
SCXI-1141 only).
TBgain f64 SCXI terminal block gain, if any
scaled1 f64 voltage/current/frequency corresponding to
binary1 f64 binary value corresponding to scaled1
scaled2 f64 voltage/current/frequency corresponding to
binary2 f64 binary value corresponding to scaled2
Name Type Description
calConst1 f64 return calibration constant
calConst2 f64 return calibration constant
Name Type Description