Appendix A Status Codes
National Instruments Corporation A-11 NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles
–10440 sysOwnedRsrcError The specified resource is owned by
the driver and cannot be accessed or
modified by the user.
–10441 memConfigError No memory is configured to support
the current data-transfer mode, or the
configured memory does not support the
current data-transfer mode. (If block
transfers are in use, the memory must be
capable of performing block transfers.)
–10442 memDisabledError The specified memory is disabled or is
unavailable given the current addressing
–10443 memAlignmentError The transfer buffer is not aligned
properly for the current data-transfer
mode. For example., the buffer is at an
odd address, is not aligned to a 32-bit
boundary, is not aligned to a 512-bit
boundary, and so on. Alternatively, the
driver is unable to align the buffer
because the buffer is too small.
–10444 memFullError No more system memory is available
on the heap, or no more memory is
available on the device, or insufficient
disk space is available.
–10445 memLockError The transfer buffer cannot be locked
into physical memory. On PC AT
machines, portions of the DMA data
acquisition buffer may be in an invalid
DMA region, for example, above
16 MB.
–10446 memPageError The transfer buffer contains a page
break; system resources might require
reprogramming when the page break
is encountered.
–10447 memPageLockError The operating environment is unable to
grant a page lock.
Table A-1.
Status Code Summary (Continued)
Status Code Status Name Description