
Appendix A Status Codes
NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles A-10
National Instruments Corporation
–10402 deviceNotFoundError No device is located in the specified slot
or at the specified address.
–10403 deviceSupportError The specified device does not support
the requested action (the driver
recognizes the device, but the action is
inappropriate for the device).
–10404 noLineAvailError No line is available.
–10405 noChanAvailError No channel is available.
–10406 noGroupAvailError No group is available.
–10407 lineBusyError The specified line is in use.
–10408 chanBusyError The specified channel is in use.
–10409 groupBusyError The specified group is in use.
–10410 relatedLCGBusyError A related line, channel, or group is
in use; if the driver configures the
specified line, channel, or group, the
configuration, data, or handshaking
lines for the related line, channel,
or group will be disturbed.
–10411 counterBusyError The specified counter is in use.
–10412 noGroupAssignError No group is assigned, or the specified
line or channel cannot be assigned to a
–10413 groupAssignError A group is already assigned, or the
specified line or channel is already
assigned to a group.
–10414 reservedPinError The selected signal requires a pin that
is reserved and configured only by
NI-DAQ. You cannot configure this
pin yourself.
–10415 externalMuxSupporError This function does not support this
device when an external multiplexer
(such as an AMUX-64T or SCXI) is
connected to it.
Table A-1.
Status Code Summary (Continued)
Status Code Status Name Description