Appendix A Status Codes
NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles A-14
National Instruments Corporation
–10600 noSetupError No setup operation has been performed
for the specified resources. Or, some
resources require a specific ordering of
calls for proper setup.
–10601 multSetupError The specified resources have already
been configured by a setup operation.
–10602 noWriteError No output data has been written into the
transfer buffer.
–10603 groupWriteError The output data associated with a group
must be for a single channel or must be
for consecutive channels.
–10604 activeWriteError Once data generation has started, only
the transfer buffers originally written to
may be updated. If DMA is active and a
single transfer buffer contains
interleaved channel-data, new data must
be provided for all output channels
currently using the DMA channel.
–10605 endWriteError No data was written to the transfer
buffer because the final data block has
already been loaded.
–10606 notArmedError The specified resource is not armed.
–10607 armedError The specified resource is already armed.
–10608 noTransferInProgError No transfer is in progress for the
specified resource.
–10609 transferInProgError A transfer is already in progress for the
specified resource, or the operation is
not allowed because the device is in the
process of performing transfers,
possibly with different resources.
–10610 transferPauseError A single output channel in a group may
not be paused if the output data for the
group is interleaved.
Table A-1.
Status Code Summary (Continued)
Status Code Status Name Description